How to use the plugin

Download the plugin

You can find it in the realease tab of the github project

Build types

  • Development Buid

    This build is always updated as soon a commit is pushed on the master branch


    This builds can be very unstable or not working at all! So when use them expect them to not work or not behaving correctly

  • Tagged Buils

    The tagged builds are stable usable builds

Install the plugin

Install it in Substance Designer using the Plugin manager, you can find it under Tools > Plugin Manager.. then click install and navigate to the path were you previously downloaded it


Refere to the official doc for installing a Plugin Package

Use the Plugin

After you have installed the plugin go to Quixel Bridge select the Megascan asset you want to import on Substance Designer go to the Export Setting tab and select from the Export To drop down the Custom Socket Export option, then in the Socket Port insert the same port you have set up on the Plugin Settings (Default to 24891)

Bridge setup example

Bridge setup example

Substance designer import step

When presented the import dialog you can choose to wich packages import the Megascan assets by selecting them in the list (shift selection and ctrl selection are enabled) and then click import

Designer import step

Plugin Settings

When you installed the plugin a new icon appeared in the Substance Designer main toolbar, that icon button opens the Plugin Settings dialog that can be used to change how the plugin works. settings icon

Connection settings

This tab allow to change the connection setting of the socket

Option Description Default
Port Number the port number to listen, must be the same specified on the Custom Socket Export on Quixel Bridge 24981
Timeout the number of seconds to wait before restarting the socket, try to use a small duration 5

connection settings image

Import settings

This tab allow to change the import behaviour of the plugin

Option Description Default
Create New Graph whenever or not to create a new graph (with automatic outputs linking and bitmap importing) for each imported Megascan Asset True
Show log To Python Editor output if set to True print the log in the Python Editor output. The log is by default written to the megascanlink.log file located in the root folder of plugin directory installation False
Import LODs whenever or not to import for 3D Assets also all the associated LODs files False

connection settings image